Martial Arts and Self- Defense Training at Oval Crew
What is its focus?
To build character beyond winning medals, shields, and belts.
Our martial arts program is not restricted to just pure karate but includes aikido, togakure ryu and ground-fighting techniques to give you a 360-degree martial arts grounding. Get trained to defend yourself from any sudden attack or mugging while you’re going about your day.
We especially focus our training towards empowering women and girls to feel equipped and ready to face any situation where they might have to take on someone who is invading their private space. When it comes to self-defense, our mission is very clear– we want you to be alert, confident to face confrontation, and be able to think on your feet to deflect and diffuse any possibility of physical threat.
We also see our martial arts training as a basic platform for young men and women to also learn the qualities of self-respect and respect for others. At the Oval Crew dojo, we are hardcore about basics like punctuality, focus, control, and taking responsibility for our actions. The motivation behind this training is to lay down a solid foundation of life skills for our young practitioners to carry with them into adulthood.