december, 2017

16dec(dec 16)1:16 pm30(dec 30)1:16 pmMarathonOval Crew Exclusive


Event Details


The Wipro Chennai Marathon 2017 will host 3 race categories – The full marathon (42.195 Km), half marathon (21.1 Km) and the ever popular 10K (10 Km) race. All 3 events have the same registration fee and all runners will be given a goody bag with a running T-shirt, running bib (with timing chip), finisher’s medal and a breakfast tuck box.


The flagship race of the event will be run on a TNAA certified course which will take you through both vintage Madras and modern Chennai. Expect a flat, speedy route and an early start (4 AM) in a month when the city’s much maligned weather is at its mildest. In the 2016 edition, the full marathon drew 900 runners.


The happy middle ground for runners who have run multiple 10Ks already but are still some time away from planning a full marathon. The Half Marathon event drew 5200 runners in 2016. The race route will be TNAA certified and take runners past many of the sights and sounds which the full marathoners enjoy.

10K (10 KM)

The ever popular 10K event was a runaway success in 2016 attracting more than 13900 runners. Expect to see thousands of enthusiastic, excited, first time runners across age categories rub shoulders with focused, super fast, experienced athletes at the start line. If you’ve never run before, this should be your go-to event of the year.


16 (Saturday) 1:16 pm - 30 (Saturday) 1:16 pm

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